
Emotional Couturiers

"SOCRATES:  ... Good evening, Sandra. You look stunning, as always. Who are you wearing?

SANDRA: Valentino.


Essential, holistic, from New York Daily News. Photo: Jason Merritt, 2010.

Essential, holistic, from New York Daily News. Photo: Jason Merritt, 2010.

SANDRA: And? There’s no “and.” I’m wearing Valentino.

SOCRATES: Yes, obviously, your trainer-hewn physical form is draped in tangible designer fashions but, in a more essential, holistic sense, are you not also wearing, or, to be less metaphorical, bearing, the values, the views, the emotional residue of all—father, mother, siblings, peers, teachers, The Ex Who Must Not Be Named, et cetera—who have figured significantly in your life? Shouldn’t one’s emotional couturiers receive equal acknowledgement on this night?"


Woodiwiss, Bob. "Socrates on the Red Carpet" from McSweeney's Internet Tendency.

There's an academic article's worth of sartorial word-play in this piece: read more of it here!

Simple and Fresh

"We believe that Steely Dan will crush you hard with love and renewed gratitude if you’ve ever longed for any person or golden age while killing dead-end days in Southern California. Fuck the devil, fuck sensible clothes, and steer clear of life vampires with their shit drugs and bad intentions, that’s what we believe."

Sensible Bud Cort as The Bond Company Stooge in The Life Aquatic.

Sensible Bud Cort as The Bond Company Stooge in The Life Aquatic.

From "Here's Our Fucking Healthy Fast Food Philosophy," by Dan Kennedy. Published on McSweeney's Internet Tendency.

Yeah, forget sensible clothes, go crazy! Reminds of this, obviously, or even better because you can imagine the guy has seen that poster in everyone one of his friends' rooms and it has creeped into his unconscious.